by Asma | Sep 10, 2020 | Drinks, Mocktails
Sparkling blackberry lemon cocktail? Astaghfirullah. Sparkling blackberry lemon mocktail? Sign me up. Today we’re going to make ✨ sparkling mocktails ✨ but first: it’s my birthday!!! 🥳 I’m officially twenty and with it continues...
by Asma | Sep 8, 2020 | Dessert
Panna cotta! I’ve never had it (before this)! I probably never would have if my younger sister hadn’t nagged me to make it. And I’m glad I listened to her for the first and last time. (I don’t have a husband/dog/baby to talk about, so...
by Asma | Aug 18, 2020 | Dessert
I’m going to be honest: I’d never tried a rice krispie treat before this recipe. Never. And I must say that I’m incredibly disappointed with myself because not only are these SO easy to make, they’re delicious too! They’re crispy but...
by Asma | Aug 12, 2020 | Drinks
I will eat absolutely anything with cookies and cream and call it my favorite. Cookies ‘n cream donuts, cookies ‘n cream ice cream, cookies ‘n cream chocolate, cooki— you get the point, but can you really blame me? Milkshakes are the perfect drink...
by Asma | Jul 29, 2020 | Dessert
You’ll never buy marshmallows from the store again after you try my homemade version. I’ve never been a big fan of marshmallows— they’re rubbery, chewy, and honestly pretty boring. But these babies are SO fluffy and delicious and it’s torture...