Light and fluffy, this pistachio cake is just the right amount of nutty and sweet. It’s rich, creamy, and everything you want in a cake. 

I’d never made a layer cake before this one—well, I’d never made one without crying over how sad and misshapen it is while looking at the extremely aesthetic ones on Pinterest. There really is a first for everything!
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Chewy, soft, and melt in your mouth chocolate at every bite, these delicious chocolate chip cookies are a family favorite.

The most classic cookie in the history of cookies is finally here! Chocolate chip cookies are the one thing everyone can agree on— they’re timeless, delicious, and all around amazing. I should know, I finished off 66 cookies in like a week. With the help of my family but… you get the point.
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Best served warm, this flaky pastry is filled with crunchy walnuts, soaked raisins, and juicy apple slices. Goodbye self-restraint!

Orange leaves, pumpkin spice, cozy sweaters, and warmth all around—fall is definitely my favorite time of the year. And there’s nothing that makes me happier than the smell of cinnamon and baking apples permeating the house as the timer counts down the seconds until the oven chirps and out pops a gooey, warm, and delicious apple strudel!
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The perfect fall cake involves the rich decadence of almonds and a tangy pop of lemon—better yet, it’s super easy to make, too!

Almonds + Lemons + Cake = the recipe for perfection.
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Apple fritters— the delicious child of donuts and soaked apples. Full of juicy fruit, soft dough, and a perfectly hardened glaze, these fritters are the perfect fall treat.

Donuts are my absolute favorite and I don’t think I’ll EVER get tired of them. And while I still haven’t tried my hand at making the traditional kind, mainly because I’m scared it will never match up to the real thing, today we’re making apple fritters!
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A hint of citrus goes a long way in this buttery pound cake! A burst of sweet orange makes it refreshing, lending just the right hint of tartness.

Orange flavored things >>>>>> everything else. I love the refreshing and subtle burst of citrus that explodes in your mouth and leaves you craving more, more, more.

Perhaps too much more. Continue reading

This tangy and refreshing blackberry lemon mocktail will leave you going back for seconds again and again.

Sparkling blackberry lemon cocktail? Astaghfirullah. Sparkling blackberry lemon mocktail? Sign me up. Continue reading

Smooth, creamy, and oh-so-delicious, mango panna cotta is the perfect (and easiest!) dessert for any function! Continue reading

Rice Krispie treats are a classic favorite, and today we’re adding a little twist to them! Browning the butter is a small step that goes a long way. Trust me, once you try these, you won’t be able to go back to the plain ol’ rice krispie treats you’ve always known.

I’m going to be honest: I’d never tried a rice krispie treat before this recipe. Never. And I must say that I’m incredibly disappointed with myself because not only are these SO easy to make, they’re delicious too!
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Go ahead, name something better than cookies and cream. I bet you can’t, because NOTHING tops the sweet, sweet, deliciousness of my favorite thing. Make it a milkshake and you’re left with a combo straight from heaven.

I will eat absolutely anything with cookies and cream and call it my favorite. Cookies ‘n cream donuts, cookies ‘n cream ice cream, cookies ‘n cream chocolate, cooki— you get the point, but can you really blame me? Continue reading